As a photographer, I want to capture your true self. I believe beauty is caught in moments of intentional vulnerability. I hope to bring that authenticity out of you and capture it as it shows up best in you.

Artist Bio

Myuri Srikugan is an emerging Tamil-Canadian digital artist based in Scarborough, specializing in documentary exploration and emotional healing through digital media. As a recent graduate from the Studio Arts Program at the University of Toronto Scarborough, her artistic journey began with a fascination for cameras, evolving into a profound immersion in digital image-making, with photography and videography serving as her primary storytelling tools. Fuelled by a deep sentiment for family and community, her passion for documentation blossomed, revealing a heartfelt connection to her environment through digital storytelling. By offering perspectives and experiences distinct from mainstream norms, she aims to bridge communities that share a common yearning for narratives that are often sidelined, fostering connections and understanding among them. 

Group Exhibitions

September 2023 - Present: The Yet - Doris McCarthy Gallery at the Instructional Centre Vitrines

April–May 2023: Embodied Spaces and Reflective Places - Doris McCarthy Gallery at the Creative Ridge Centre

April 2023: Prologue - Doris McCarthy Gallery  

October–November 2022: All That is Golden - Scarborough Arts

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